
Posts Tagged ‘implantation

Implantation is the attachment of the fertilized egg to the uterine lining. Implantation occurs on an average of 9 days with a range of 6 and12 days post -ovulation. But this numbers are just an average, some women will experience it differently.

Prior to implantation, cell differentiation takes place forming the fetus, placenta, umbilical cord, and amniotic sac. During this process, the embryo (at this point doctors call it blastocyst) will move through the fallopian tube into the uterus. At this point, the condition of the uterus has to be cozy for the blastocyst to be implanted. You may have heard a cold womb will not be able to conceive a baby..which I believe js partly true. Your lifestyle, your emotion, your diet and your health contribute to this condition of a “cozy” womb.

Once the blastocyst comfortably attached in the uterus, the part that will develop into placenta starts producing the pregnancy hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which tells the ovaries to stop releasing eggs-tells one important message-that the uterus is occupied and not to shed this growing tiny little baby (here they call it embryo). HCG is the hormone that turns a pregnancy test positive. Believe me or not, at this point of time you can test using the OPK to test whether implantation is successful. To make it simple, the OPK and HPT (home pregnancy test), tested an identical hormone with a different identifier where HPT owns an extra identifier (HCG) that OPK didnt have. For example, a twin who has identical dress but only one wears a ribbon. When you have a positive OPK outside the fertile window, it means you’re pregnant, but you will probably have a negative HPT during the implantation window. Typically, most woman will have a positive HPT after one week late where HCG is enough to be detected by the HPT. But it is adviseabl e to wait until you’re a week late, to avoid any frustration if the implantation failed.

As for my personal experience, I’ve had a positive OPK and HPT 5 days before my period was due (14 days post-ovulation), and I’ve only put my hopes high after a week late. And I’ve tested 11 HPT tests during this period of time, to make sure I didnt lose the growing baby.. This early test is not adviseable, for your own sanity..For myself, I did an early pregnancy test because I felt nausea and had a really bad gastric pain which is an odd PMS for me. And after the pregnancy was confirmed..I’ve had to go through nausea and gastric pain for the first 6 months of my pregnancy.

Two important tips to share, at 4-5 weeks pregnancy, you wont be able to see anything under the ultrasound (after 6-8 weeks, if you cant see anything at an ultrasound, get a thorough check for ectopic pregnancy). Post-ovulation to implantation period, take extra care of yourself, emotionally,physically, your diet and your health– for a “cozy” womb environment. Congratulation if you’re pregnant, and you may want to start taking care of yourself and the growing baby..

Implantation Symptom
Some woman are lucky to experience implantation symptom, most woman have no idea it is happening in their body. Implantation bleeding/spotting is just one of several typical pregnancy symptoms. Sometimes it is a very very small drop or a slight stain (usually a pinkish or brownish discharge) that most woman may not realize it. Name all PMS symptoms you know, and you may realize it is similar as the implantation symptoms..as mentioned above dont take any chances, take care of yourself and if it is a negative test, don’t lose hope, because you’ll have another cycle in front of you..

When a sperm union with an ovum..this process is known as conception or fertilization. But some opinions mentioned that this process is known as fertilization..and once the fertilized egg went through implantation,then only the process will be called as conception. At some cases, fertilized egg failed to go through implantation for certain reasons.

After the egg or ovum released from the ovary, the egg travel through the fallopian tube and with “luck” it will meet the sperms while it is on its way. In some cases the sperms are already waiting in the tube for the egg to be released.

From my understanding, the sperms will find the egg directed by the chemical released from the egg. But from an article I’ve read some time ago (I can’t remember the website), the sperm will only detect the chemical released by the egg if the egg is nearby. And do you know that once released into a woman’s womb the sperms just blindly swim in any direction? And if by chance,most of them swim to the wrong side of the ovary,the chances to get conceive will be very slim.

Typically, sperms will meet the egg in the lower quadrant of a fallopian tube and start to surround the egg. For fertilization to take place, sperm cells must find a receptor to penetrate through the ovum shield (membrane called zona pellucida) and burrow its way to the oocyte (genetic core of the ovum). Only one sperm will unite with the oocyte and with that the ovum becomes the embryo (zygote) and will go through complex cell division and differentiation.

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  • miraclebabydust: Hi.. I think its due to the blog is free from advertisement, thats why it loads much faster than other? Do u think so?
  • miraclebabydust: I have alot more in my draft..I didnt have the time in these passed years to post it.. such a regret not being able to update after so many years.. :S
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